Mobile device authentication: A key element in preventing unauthorized access

From managing finances to accessing business data, we have become used to accessing our data whenever and wherever we want to. However, this convenience comes with some significant risks, particularly regarding unauthorized access and data breaches.

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15 common mobile security threats and how to prevent them

Mobile device threats take many forms, from network-level attacks and application vulnerabilities to system weaknesses and physical theft. As we increasingly rely on mobile devices for activities that sometimes involve sensitive information, these risks are becoming more widespread.

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Smartphones: refurbishing saves 58 kg of carbon dioxide per device

The climate catastrophe is looming and we are all called upon to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible. There are no easy solutions, but every contribution counts. In today's blog post, we therefore turn to the climate impact of smartphones from the perspective of recycling or refurbishing.

Continue ReadingSmartphones: refurbishing saves 58 kg of carbon dioxide per device