Our papers offer a deep dive into various topics related to mobile working. The downloads are free of charge.
Download expert knowledge with our whitepapers
For a deep dive into mobile work, we have created several papers for you. The papers tackle topics such as mobile device management, mobile security, sustainability and the importance of mobile devices as employee benefits. All of our downloads are free and will be provided to you as PDF files.

Whitepaper: Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Our whitepaper summarizes all the relevant information on the functions of an MDM: data protection, data security, compliance, separation of business and private data, remote access, asset management, software distribution, and much more.

Whitepaper: Company phones as benefits
When it comes to employee benefits, company smartphones have become ever so popular. Why is that? And why can a smart device even be a particularly valuable offer from an employer? Our whitepaper explains why smartphones have become an enormously important work tool, especially for the younger generation - and what mistakes you can avoid when providing company devices.

Whitepaper: Mobile security
In times of man-in-the-middle attacks and ransomware, constant new hacks, data leaks and mobile phone viruses, it is no longer a question of whether BYOD will go wrong - but only when. Delayed operating system updates and outdated smartphones are a constant threat to any IT infrastructure.
Get in touch with us
We’re looking forward to answering all your questions. Just leave your details here and we’ll get back to you in no time.

Use cases: how it all comes together
It’s always nice to know how an idea works in practice. Take a look at our cases to find out how “device as a service” performs in the field.

Henkel rolled out devices in 3 days
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