Employee digitization: how it will benefit your company

Are you interested in faster and more efficient ways to manage your employees? Digitization provides employers with more options to efficiently manage their employees. With the right software and MDM in place, employers can roll out productivity apps, track hours worked, overtime, and other information. MDM software is easy to set up, use, and manage. It also features advanced data protection features to ensure company data is protected.

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Employee offers can make every company a desirable working place

The number of companies that have special employee offers is increasing every day.  That is because companies want to offer more than just a good salary. With this act, employers show how much they value their employees, and if employees are satisfied with their job, a company becomes a desirable place to work.

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Mobile phone disposal

Do you know how to dispose of mobile phones you no longer use? Many don’t. Instead, old devices sit around in boxes, drawers, or cupboards, untouched for years. If disposed of correctly, old smartphones can be recycled into new devices, fueling the eco mission of today’s technology and helping less waste unnecessarily go to landfill.

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What are the best mobile security & antivirus programs?

Mobile security and antivirus programs are essential tools for mobile users. They play a particularly important role in a corporate world in which mobile devices are used for communication and data storage. In this blog we’ve highlighted the role these security apps play and the best options on the market today.

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What are the best open source MDM solutions for Android?

Open Source Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions have become a popular way to protect, manage and secure the way employees interact with an organization's digital devices and data.  In this blog we explore some of the best open source MDM Android solutions and how MDM solutions are helping businesses succeed today.

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