Employee offers can make every company a desirable working place

The number of companies that have special employee offers is increasing every day.  That is because companies want to offer more than just a good salary. With this act, employers show how much they value their employees, and if employees are satisfied with their job, a company becomes a desirable place to work.

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The number of companies that have special employee offers is increasing every day.  That is because companies want to offer more than just a good salary. With this act, employers show how much they value their employees, and if employees are satisfied with their job, a company becomes a desirable place to work.

Your employees will be delighted with special offers

Nowadays, having a job is a necessity in our lives for so many different reasons. It’s not something irrelevant and businesses are starting to realize this. We work our whole lifetime and thus employees don’t want to feel like they are wasting their time at some company that doesn’t value their qualities and skills.

Having various special employee offers at companies guarantees that all your employees will be able to find something to benefit and motivate them. One must not forget that their employees are individuals with different social, financial, cultural, and educational backgrounds, and not all have the same lifestyles.

Salary is not everything

When you ask people what they like most about their jobs, they say that in addition to a great salary, they expect to be properly respected and appreciated for what they do. That’s why many company managers took the initiative to include special offers for employees.

Those offers can range from company smartphones, laptops, any needed gadgets, trips for team building, healthy lunch packages, bonuses at some stores or wellness centers, and pensions insurances. With this wide range of employee offers, not only will companies satisfy and motivate employees, but they will also attract other qualified people, including investors.

Recently, having a qualitative smartphone for work became a requirement, not just due to the pandemic, but also because of never-stopping technological development. With a highly increased need for using personal phones for work, there are many concerns related to data privacy usage and protection.

However, with Mobile Device Management (MDM), the usage of personal phones for work won’t be a problem. Today, there are companies that provide such employee offers and facilitate other companies to manage the use of personal devices at work. Everphone is one of such companies where companies can find special offers for work phones.

Employee offers for work phones are corporate benefits as well

No matter its type, every corporation needs to treat its employees with respect because there is no successful corporation without satisfied employees. Moreover, satisfied employees mean a motivational and healthy working atmosphere, even if they work from the comfort of their homes. A motivational and healthy working atmosphere makes every corporation a desirable place to work.

employee offers

This rapid increase of remote work and work-from-home opportunities significantly impacts every working sector. Among other things, it implies the more considerable use of personal devices for work purposes. Just remember the situation when all education systems worldwide switched to online modes.

This leads to several questions, both from employers and employees. How is an employee’s private data protected and secured? Can employers misuse employees’ private data? What about cookies policies? What damage is done if an employee loses their device? How can corporate data be secured from the private usage of a company phone? How can employees protect/separate their private data from work data?

That’s why MDM software is one of the key factors when planning mobile devices as a benefit. It completely separates work data from private and blocks every misuse of work data. In the case of theft, damage, or loss of any device, the work data can be deleted remotely without any threat to private employee’s data.

Users can easily toggle between personal space and workspace on their phones

This makes every employee relaxed and stress-free when using phones in both circumstances. A relaxed and stress-free employee is again more motivated for work and this, for sure, leads to corporate benefits.

Work phones as employee benefits: Why you need a MDM software

Here is the list of all employee offers corporate benefits with MDM:

  • Employee MDM means that work phones for private use happens in a stress-free working environment
  • It’s user-friendly
  • MDM ensures the deployment of the desired devices into the company’s software environment
  • Employer branding – employees like when they are allowed to choose their device for work
  • With MDM, rollout, and deployment of every employee device is done instantly, not manually (saves time)
  • MDM for GDPR compliance assured
  • MDM protects against any data loss or theft
  • It’s adaptable to every single corporation, which makes MDM more affordable
  • There’s no need for a vast amount of IT resources for maintaining data privacy policies
  • It’s not time-consuming as other solutions when installing and securing phones

Your employees won’t worry with Mobile Device Management

Before we can start looking at how MDM can benefit employees who offer their personal devices for business, we need to understand what mobile device management is.

What is Mobile Device Management?

‘’MDM is part of the larger Enterprise Mobility Management, which, in addition to pure device management and deployment issues, also addresses things like the administration of mobile apps (Mobile Application Management).‘’ In other words, it’s a management process for mobile devices with a focus on uses of gadgets for corporate purposes. Its emphasis is on developing software(s) for employees’ personal mobile devices used for work.

Howeverm Mobile Device Management is also the name for a variety of specialized softwares. MDM software turns every phone into a phone with two profiles, one for private usage and one for work. Employees just need to switch their phones from one profile to another with a single tap on their phones’ screens. That’s why we claim that with these MDM employee offers, your employees won’t have to stress about protecting their private data when using their phones for work.

This procedure also complies with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which means that employers can’t access employees’ data via software for private usage. Moreover, any corporation data cannot be ‘’copied and pasted’’ from work profiles to private profiles, and vice versa. This way, employees won’t have to worry about misuse of their private data because their personal data is completely separated on the work phone and can’t be tracked by the employers.

A mobile device as one of the employee offers

Having a mobile device as an employee offer option, the employer shows respect and care towards its employees. Here, at Everphone, we rent phones to employees after signing a contract with their employer. What is meant under this rent is that it’s not leasing, and employers and employees can’t return them. When a phone is out of use/lost or stolen, a new one is rented.

Having satisfied employees makes every corporation the desired working place.

There are two offers for employees, the Classic model and Choose-your-own-device (CYOD) model. In the Classic model, the employer decides on devices for the employees, and, in this CYOD model, employees can decide which device they will choose. If employees want those out of employers’ budget, employees can pay the difference in the price. So, this employee offer is an option that brings corporate benefits.

Choose-Your-Own-Device (CYOD) is an attractive offer for staff

For COPE phones (corporate-owned, privately enabled), it is imperative to separate business and personal data. There are container apps for this, but this is also a standrad feature of MDM software. If a device is lost, stolen, or damaged, work data can be deleted remotely, without deleting private data as well. Container apps managed with MDM software also means that the business can install the necessary security measures to protect sensitive company data.

Recently more companies and corporations have promoted the ‘’Choose your own device’’ option. This option goes together with MDM and software options. Employees choose their preferred type of mobile phone. And with the help of MDM, they have entirely separate work accounts and private accounts thanks to data separation on work phones.

What does this mean for Everphone? There are several options we offer, each with different prices. An employer decides on which one is the best for its corporation. When the employer signs a contract with us, we send a link to every employee with available mobile phone devices. Before sending the device to the employee, we do all device configurations. In cases of any kind of repair, employees can contact our company via the Everphone customer portal and ask for our service entirely out of charge. Because user friendliness and a comprehensive service level agreement should also be part of any employee offer.

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