Ecovadis is an internationally recognized platform which calculates evidence-based ratings on corporate responsibility. Everphone was recently awarded the silver certificate for its work. This puts Everphone in the top 25 percent of the assessed companies.
Certificate for successful sustainability management
Great news: Ecovadis awarded Everphone with a silver medal for sustainable work practices. In order to do so, Ecovadis evaluated several aspects and strategies of the company throughout the last years, such as environment, sustainable procurement, ethics and labor rights.
Click here to visit Everphone’s recognition page at Ecovadis:
The silver certificate showcases that Everphone is part of the top 25 percent of the assessed companies. We are proud of this result and see our efforts reflected in it, as it shows our improvement from bronze to silver rating. At the same time, we understand it as a further incentive on our path towards more and more sustainability.
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Sustainability thanks to circular economy
Based on the principle of circular economy, Everphone advocates for the responsible re-use of mobile devices. This means that we refurbish rental devices after use in their previous company. We repair the devices and prepare them for a new use cycle. Only devices which are irreparably damaged will continue their way on to recycling.
So by refurbishing, we keep fewer devices in circulation. Those devices are used for longer periods of time, reducing e-waste and increasing the effectiveness of the use of natural resources in their creation.

More ecological awareness in our economy
Everphone’s certification with the Ecovadis silver medal represents an important recognition of our work. We consider sustainability as a leading principle in everything that we do. Every company that decides to work with reusable devices joins us in taking another step towards more ecological awareness.
What’s more, Everphone will handle device procurement, setup and management, which frees up important work capacities in your company.
Want to know more? Go to our sustainabilty page or read our sustainability report from 2022.