Employee digitization: how it will benefit your company

Are you interested in faster and more efficient ways to manage your employees? Digitization provides employers with more options to efficiently manage their employees. With the right software and MDM in place, employers can roll out productivity apps, track hours worked, overtime, and other information. MDM software is easy to set up, use, and manage. It also features advanced data protection features to ensure company data is protected.

mitarbeiter digitalisierung
mitarbeiter digitalisierung
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Are you interested in faster and more efficient ways to manage your employees? Digitization provides employers with more options to efficiently manage their employees. With the right software and MDM in place, employers can roll out productivity apps, track hours worked, overtime, and other information. MDM software is easy to set up, use, and manage. It also features advanced data protection features to ensure company data is protected.

The digitization of the world of work: Remote work & MDM systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for digital solutions in the workplace. It resulted in a massive shift in the traditional office landscape. Offices have been closed, and employees have worked from home, changing how we work. Mobile Device Management is essential to digitization, employee benefits, and cost reduction.

What Does This Mean for Businesses?

For starters, there is a reduced need for office space as more people work remotely. Some organizations are looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Many businesses find that remote work is more productive than in-person collaboration. Digitization affects how employees maximize their potential at the office, remotely, and beyond.

employee digitization

Businesses can also see savings in costs related to travel and physical meetings. Most employees can take part in meetings digitally, eliminating the need for meeting rooms and spaces. Many employees are taking the opportunity to cut down on in-person meetings. It has led to a rise in company productivity and profitability.

Businesses gain access to the best talent regardless of location. Employers can hire top candidates without geographic limitations!

This method increases employee retention rates because of its higher job satisfaction levels. Thus, your company doesn’t impose geographical restrictions on its workforce. Additionally, it allows businesses to hire from anywhere around the globe. The digitization of the world of work is changing how we do business.

The importance of Mobile Device Management (MDM) in the workplace

While mobile work has been growing rapidly during the COVID pandemic, businesses need to put in place a Mobile Device Management system to administer mobile devices efficiently and compliant with security and privacy policies. Only then business can enjoy new opportunities for efficiency, productivity, and revenue.

MDM solutions are becoming more critical as the nature of work changes. Employees can work better if they can access company data and communicate from anywhere.

Consider how you can use your mobile device to manage tasks on the go. For example, you could use it to make calls when driving home from work.  You could update some colleagues about the latest projects via Slack while riding the metro. Or you could scan documents and upload them to the company server from anywhere.

Private use of company devices

Employees can access company information without having any problems with security issues. Problems can occur when hackers infiltrate devices through unsecured Wi-Fi networks. However, with MDM your IT team can ensure that all company data is secured, and limit potential breaches.

As the MDM sets up an encrypted workspace container on the device, it is perfectly save to allow employees the personal use of the gadgets. They can download apps, take pictures and make video all they want – the company data stays safe in the containerized space.

How does employee digitization benefit your company?

In today’s world, employee digitization is a critical part of any company’s success.

Organizations must keep their mobile devices secure. They have to protect their employees and critical data from security threats. The following is a list of benefits an MDM solution can provide your organization:

Increased efficiency and productivity

With employee digitization, you can leverage technology to make your employees more efficient. Your workers can stay connected with one another, regardless of their location. They can communicate, share information and perform their tasks better. With the elimination of a lot of paperwork, things get done faster.

Better resource management

Employee digitization makes it possible for your company to manage its resources better. You can use your available resources better, and in doing so, you can save money. You also get to use your resources according to the needs of your business.

If there is a sudden surge in demand for products or services, you can scale up operations. You can use the tools provided by digitization. You can deploy new tools and technology as needed and on-demand.

More resiliency and agility

Digital transformation helps you to adapt to business changes. It also allows you to be more agile and adapt to change. Digital transformation is essential because the world is changing. Companies need to evolve to remain competitive.

Better digital presence

Employees can provide a better customer experience by using the right technology. It also improves productivity, which frees up more time to focus on your business goals.

Improved customer engagements

Good customer experience begins with a strong connection between customers and your brand. It’s imperative to have a solid online presence for your business and your customers. A must for customer engagement and positive word-of-mouth advertising.

Increased responsiveness to business needs

By having the right technology in place, you can react more to changing business needs as they arise. You can improve productivity and efficiency at the same time.

Greater innovation, creativity & collaboration

Many companies lack collaboration, which is a real problem for innovation. Modern digital technologies allow employees to innovate, collaborate, and problem-solve in new ways. Global collaboration is now a normal part of daily life.

Faster time to market

Digital technologies help businesses get products or services to market quicker. Software development cycles are faster than they used to be. Now developers can roll out small features whenever they’re ready. It makes it easier for customers who enjoy continuous updates and new features to existing products or services.

Increased revenue opportunity

If you launch before your competitors, you’ll gain more customers. It would be best if you were fast enough to beat your competition to stay on top. The good news is that digital technology can help you achieve this goal.

Increased transparency and visibility

The benefit of digitizing your business processes is you gain transparency and visibility. It’s much easier to assess where inefficiencies are occurring. Having all your process data in one place makes it easy to access and use. It also allows you to collect accurate information and streamline your business operations.

How does an employer prepare employees for digitization?

In the workplace, digital transformation is not about technology and operations. The employer must consider the human capital factor as well. Employers should increase their employee competencies and employee digitization. Preparing people for digital transformation can take years, depending on some aspects. To simplify the process, an employer must understand the following aspects:

  • What are the company’s goals and plans for digital transformation?

It is fundamental to help employees understand their role in the digitization process. Employees who understand a company’s goals will feel part of the change process.

  • How does management become digitization-ready?

Ensure that your management team is ready to adapt to change and inspire other employees. To empower your employees with digitization, ensure that your infrastructure is up-to-date.

  • How do employers provide socialization of digital transformation?

Socialization is an essential key to determining your company’s digital transformation success. By socializing with coworkers, employees will be more at ease. Employees will be happy to attend follow-up training and development sessions.

  • Provide technology training for employees

Employers in the workplace should prepare employees for digitization using training. Technology training is the most common way to prepare your employees for digitization. You can arrange a training program where they can learn to use new technology and software. Make sure you provide different programs depending on their employee position and hierarchy.

  • Why is it important to collect results and feedback from the digitization process?

Collecting feedback is the first step; then, you can check your results to see how well the process went. Your employees will also benefit because they will feel like they are being heard.

  • Outline Success and Evaluate for Process Optimization

To summarize the pros and cons of digitizing your business, you should go over every detail. Evaluating your results will help you see if digitizing your company paid off.

Employee digitization and the labor law on mobile devices

In the past, companies did not address the use of smartphones and social networking sites in their contracts. That situation has changed as employees are now more likely to use messenger apps or other potentially risky applications on their phones. Learn more here: Labor Law and Work Phones

What is considered private use?

Private use includes all activities that do not serve the employer’s business purpose. It includes checking personal emails or calling friends and family. Activities connected to business goals are not considered private, even if they are carried out in free time. A salesperson who uses their smartphone to contact clients outside office hours would not be using their phone privately.

Does the employer have the right to monitor?

The employer has a legitimate interest in monitoring employees’ use of company devices and apps. The monitoring must remain within reasonable limits. Companies should not check their employees’ online activity without concrete suspicion. IT departments should set up clear guidelines for what is and isn’t acceptable use of the company’s systems.

The private use of messenger services on business mobiles

An employer can check your business mobile phone messages, but they usually have to inform you in advance. One reason for this is that there are currently no technical measures available that let you filter out private messages.

work phone whatsapp

Employers want employees to use business resources for work purposes only. Employers can do this by issuing a declaration that the company may check usage on company owned devices. A company should always follow the data privacy laws of its country when monitoring cell phones even if they are the property of the company.

Mobile workforce: Social media as a cause for termination

With the rise of social media, many companies had to deal with the dismissal of employees for their postings on social networks. But, this is not always an easy matter. There are some strict rules about dismissals related to employee use of social media.

Facebook posts that cause damage to an employer’s reputation or violate company policy are fair grounds for dismissal. Employers should agree with employees not to damage the company’s reputation. These clauses should be covered fully in all employee contracts and cover discrimination against colleagues or customers and malicious rumors.

Data privacy in the cloud

Cloud technology can offer many advantages, such as speed and lower costs. But, these benefits come with a price: data privacy. Cloud service providers have put in place some new security measures to help reduce the risks of cloud data storage.

Device encryption keeps your stored files safe and secure. In this way, if a device is stolen or lost, the data stored on it remains protected and cannot be obtained by unauthorized people.

Final thoughts

Are you looking for ways to improve employee productivity? Employee digitization is vital to any business’ success. Employee digitization saves businesses money and time. Provide your employees with tools to make customer interactions more efficient and effective. Then, watch the results come in.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) will allow your employees to work anytime, anywhere. Discover how MDM can benefit you and request a demonstration. Our service is an easy-to-use, all-in-one, simplified solution for your business. Mobile Device Management (MDM) is the easiest way to do this!


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