What are the most popular corporate benefits and offers on smartphones and devices? What is a COPE phone? How to use one phone both for private and business purposes? If you work in the B2B sector and these things concern you, read this article to find out everything you need to know about procuring and managing corporate

The most popular perks of a corporate benefit program
A corporate benefit program has become a conventional complement to employees’ salaries. With this program, employers respect and treat their employees as human beings, valuing their skills and abilities as it should. This program is different in every company due to the capabilities of companies. Nevertheless, it contains various benefits and perks.
Perks are more of an interest for employees. Depending on the type of company, employees prefer flexible working schedules and remote work/work at home perks, if applicable. Also, it’s important to note that employees have a life outside the company and that they should receive compensation for every extra hour at work.
What employees also want is an opportunity to broaden their skills needed for their work. We are aware that we learn throughout our whole life, and to be successful at our job, we should constantly update our skills.
In addition to career progress, many companies give chances to students to work for them for an appropriate salary. This way, companies help them with their loans while at the same time offering them a job opportunity to gain working experience. This can also be considered a perk.
Employers can be creative with the corporate benefits and offers they provide their employees. Sometimes it is quite difficult to describe the difference between a benefit and a perk. However, both are equally necessary if an employer wants to have employees who aren’t stressed but instead motivated, productive and enjoy working at the company.
Corporate benefits and offers for millenials
To know what to include in corporate benefits and offers for millenials, we first need to know what this generation is like and what characteristics they have. First of all, they are mostly “glued” to gadgets, and that’s why they are technologically savvy.
Work-life balance
Second, they prefer a work-life balance, which means they won’t sacrifice everything for their job position. This doesn’t mean that they aren’t devoted to work; it’s just that they want to enjoy life outside their work time as well. Also, they are supporters of lifelong learning and want to have opportunities to broaden their skills and abilities in order to advance their careers.
Considering the above mentioned, we can say that the list of corporate benefits and offers for Millennials is easy to set up. Some things are already mentioned in the previous paragraph where we talked about perks. Aside from flexible or remote work options, and the chance to continue learning and gaining skills, millennials also have jobs that offer other benefits.
Health insurance
One such example is that employees will be more motivated if they have an offer of life and health insurance. The costs of any medical treatments and care are too expensive for those without health insurance, and having this covered as a benefit will relieve a lot of stress from your employees.
Also, employers should pay attention to employees’ vacations and time off. No matter how much employees enjoy work, they should have enough time to recharge their batteries. By giving employees enough vacation, employers show that workers are important to the company. According to the companies’ capabilities, employers can also offer other perks like wellness and fitness discounts, lunch discounts, organized team-building trips, gatherings, and many more.
Last but not least is supplying them with up-to-date technology, especially if it’s crucial for their work. Most of them don’t feel so enthusiastic when they need to use their personal gadgets for work.
Also, we must consider data protection regulations such as several privacy acts in the United States or the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) in Europe, and in some cases, employers can’t just ask for employees’ phones for a check-up. Do not worry!
There are Phone-as-a-Service (PaaS) providers that take care of this problem in the B2B (Business to Business) sector, providing them with mobile devices, plans as well as the MDM software that’s GDPR compliant.
This is a solution for using private mobile phones for work. What to say in the end is that it should be on the top of the list of corporate benefits and offers for Millenials. To rent a mobile phone has become one of the most cost effective ways of procuring corporate devices for employees.
List of company benefits and offers
There are many different benefits that a business can offer. Here is the list of the most common corporate benefit examples:
- Life insurance
- Health insurance
- Wellness and fitness discount
- Healthy lunch discounts
- The smartphone as a corporate benefit and offer
- Team building trips
- Up-to-date gadgets
- Training for career improvement
- Flexible working time
- Work-life balance
The smartphone as a corporate benefit and offer
When we look closely at the history of the business world, we can surely say that many things have changed through time. Along with these changes, the needs of employers and employees changed as well.
Bring Your Own Device? Better not
The technological revolution, whose progress seems unstoppable, is responsible for many changes in the corporate landscape. Also, current pandemic situations forced many of us to work from home using our own devices. This may cause many problems, especially when a device is stolen and it contains the company’s data. That’s why many companies want to find a better alternative to the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) option.
Private use of company devices
Having two phones, one for business and one for private use, is too demanding because it takes up too many expenses. Some IT companies developed apps for business accounts on phones, but this doesn’t separate business and private data. A third solution is a software that completely separates business and private data on one single phone, known as MDM (Mobile Device Management).
There are companies that help businesses in the B2B (business to business) sector. Many companies opt for a COPE (company-owned, personally enabled) business phone. This is something Everphone offers to their clients, but this doesn’t mean that employers can track their employees. So, what does the smartphone as a corporate benefit and offer mean?
This is really one of the most important company benefits. In order to avoid all the problems when an employee uses a private phone for business, Everphone assists by finding the best device and mobile plans for your budget. We also pre-install the needed security and privacy apps, including MDM, on the devices before distribution ensuring that GDPR are adhered to.
This MDM software functions in a way that it completely separates business and private mobile spaces on the phones. This is also a great option in cases when an employee leaves the company. When the rental fee for the employee in question ends, he or she returns the phone, and business data is saved from any loss and damage.
Employers won’t worry when a mobile phone is lost with this software. The business data is protected and can be remotely wiped if needed. However, all this management can cause a lot of headaches, and that’s when Everphone steps in for employers. Everphone procures sustainable smartphones for the company, installs the MDM software, and takes care of any repairs and maintenance without additional costs. This is a great option when discussing corporate benefits examples because companies can plan their budget for gadgets without stress.
This leads to a COPE (Company Owned, Personally Enabled) phone procurement system. Employees shouldn’t worry about this because it’s 100% compliant with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). In other words, all private data is safe and separated from the business data. This is possible thanks to MDM (Mobile Device Management).
Corporate benefits which help companies to lower planned costs
One of the biggest issues that concern employers is how to lower planned costs but still offer a corporate benefit program to their employees. This may be a serious problem when it’s about devices that are crucial for work. Depending on the number of employees, this may be the largest expense. It can easily empty the company’s budget planned for something else, not just when buying, but with any additional repair and maintenance expenses.
That’s why Everphone is here to help companies. Employers can choose between two offers, classic rent and CYOD (Choose Your Own Device). With CYOD, employees can decide for themselves if they prefer an iPhone or, let’s say, a Samsung business phone.
There is even the option of co-payments. The thing is that employers choose one of two offers that best suit their needs and capabilities. What’s important to emphasize with renting a phone service is that there aren’t any additional fees for repairing and maintaining any rented device.
Why are these corporate smartphones among the most popular corporate benefits and offers? It’s because the smartphones’ price is reduced up to 30 per cent and the update for the newest phones is available. Also, employees can choose their own device, but then they have to pay one part of the fee, either from their gross or net salary.
Final thoughts
This corporate benefit which companies provide to employees is safety for the environment because it refurbishes or recycles phones when not in use anymore. It is also great because no devices will be left and forgotten. This also leads to a circular economy because mobile phones are ready for another use after complete refurbishing. In addition to all this, it also significantly reduces the CO2 footprint.